Radiofeature – DIRTY TRAKS

FRAMEWORK RADIO is about phonography ::: field-recording ::: the art of sound-hunting :::

This edition of framework:afield, entitled dirty tracks, has been produced in germany by stefan paulus. framework radio is consecrated to field-recording and it’s use in composition, and began broadcasting at a time when a new community of sound artists with a special interest in found sound was developing, a community spread across the world that, thanks to the internet, was no longer limited to a specific geography. […] framework‘s goal is to present not only the extremely diverse sound environments of our world, but also the extremely diverse work that is being produced by the artists who choose to use these environments as their sonic sources. […] framework broadcasts two distinct alternating formats, a regular edition, constructed and mixed by its presenter from contributions submitted by listeners and members of the field-recording community, and framework:afield, a guest-curated series produced by artists from all corners of the globe and based on their own themes, concepts or recordings.“



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„stefan writes about the process of piecing this work together from his psychogeographic drifts:

// this show is dedicated to the unknown musicians I have recorded over the past years during what guy debord describes as ‘dérives’ or ‘psychogeographic drifts’: the experimental exploration of the environment through coincidence and other methods to disturb your normal behavior or motivations as a pedestrian or car driver. drifting is the search for an ecstatic moment or ‘ecstatic truth’, like werner herzog says. if I get on a track – I try to document what I find //

// sometimes I had to borrow a cellphone, or I used a crappy digital cam to record // that’s why this show isn´t a high-end surround sound field report // this radio show is about these ecstatic moments // for example: I followed people to a bar in hungary … and some solo entertainer is playing … people drink beer and dance // I walked through a block party and ended up in a street riot … people dance to reggae music and you hear bottles shattering on police cars // you will hear music from some gatherings, a powwow, indonesian rituals, music from a record shop in turkey, from hippy parties or bonfire music in the mid-west //“

// some of these records are done before GPS was in every technical instrument … that´s why this show isn´t a sound-mapping cartography // most of the time I don’t even know what the people are singing about and I don´t know the names of the bands – if they even have names // sometimes I can’t locate the places anymore, because the goal of psychogeography is to get lost, and to create an altering reality //“


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